33.Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Lin PL, Wen HS, Liu LJ, Chen CW, Liu MW. Insufficient response to venous stripping surgery: is the penile vein recurrent or residual (陰莖靜脈截除手術後反應不佳:陰莖靜脈復發或殘留)? Journal of Andrology. 27(5):700-706, 2006.
34.Hsu GL, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Wen HS, Ling PY, Chen SY, Huang HM and Tseng GF. Formulas for determining the dimensions of venous graft required for penile curvature correction (決定陰莖彎曲矯正手術所需的靜脈補綴移植物面積大小的公式). International Journal of Andrology. 29(5):515-520, 2006.
35.Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Chen RM, Wen HS, Liu LJ, Chua C. Long-term results of autologous venous grafts for penile morphological reconstruction (自體靜脈移植物重建陰莖形態的長期追蹤結果). Journal of Andrology. 28(1):186-193, 2007.
36.Hsu GL, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Chen HS, Ling PY, Wen HS, Liu LJ, Chen CW, Chua C. The advancement of pure local anesthesia for penile surgeries: can an outpatient basis be sustainable (純粹局部麻醉施行陰莖手術的新進展:門診手術能否持續執行)? Journal of Andrology. 28(1):200-205, 2007.
37.Yang SSD, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Chang SJ. Effects of circumcision on urinary tract infection and sexually transmitted disease (包皮環切手術對於尿路感染和性傳染疾病的影響). Tzu Chi Medical Journal. 21(3):185-189, 2009.
38.Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Lee WY, Chen KL and Chang CH. Salvaging penile venous stripping surgery (陰莖靜脈截除挽救手術). Journal of Andrology. 31(3):250-260, 2010.
39.Chiang IN, Chang SJ, Yang SSD, Hsieh CH (謝政興). Ketamine abuse associated with vesicoureteral reflux (K他命濫用與膀胱輸尿管逆流相關). Incontinence & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. 4(2):57-58, 2010. (corresponding author 通訊作者)
40.Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Lee WY, Chen KL and Chang CH. Clinical experience of a refined penile venous stripping surgery procedure for patients with erectile dysfunction: is it a viable option (精緻的陰莖靜脈截除手術治療勃起功能障礙的臨床經驗:此手術是可行的選擇)? Journal of Andrology. 31(3):271-280, 2010.
41.Hsieh CH (謝政興), Chen HS, Lee WY, Chen KL and Chang CH and Hsu GL. Salvage penile curvature correction surgery (陰莖彎曲矯正挽救手術). Journal of Andrology. 31(5):450-456, 2010.