
不需住院! 手術後不需留下觀察,即可自由行走返家休息。


- 雙重局部麻醉
- 單一傷口
- 不需住院!
- 不需電燒止血,組織破壞最少。手術中如遇血管出血而使用電燒止血時,可能傷害到緊鄰近的動脈血管或神經,造成神經感覺異常、麻木感或慢性疼痛;動脈損傷則可能造成局部缺血、有組織壞死的風險。許多醫學文獻報告都指出,使用電燒止血時,局部組織遭到破壞,止血燒焦的地方即無血液循環,對於細菌的抵抗力下降,將增加傷口感染發炎的機率;即使沒有感染發炎,也易影響傷口癒合。
- 應用精細的顯微手術技巧,以詳細了解的陰莖解剖構造作為手術指引,提高手術安全性、減少可能併發症。本院執行其餘相關手術,包括顯微包皮環切手術、疝氣修補手術、精索靜脈曲張手術、改良式陰莖靜脈截除手術、陰莖彎曲矯正手術、人工睪丸植入手術、輸精管結紮手術、陰莖背神經阻斷手術等,均依據以上原則進行,手術相對安全,併發症發生機率極低。
註解: 資料來源
- 圖三:https://www.bostonscientific.com/en-US/products/penile-prosthesis/spectra-concealable-penile-prosthesis/features–benefits.html
- 圖五:https://www.bostonscientific.com/content/dam/bostonscientific/uro-wh/general/ams/hcp-resource-center-update/AMS-700-with-InhibiZone.jpg
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- Hsu GL, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Chen HS, Ling PY, Wen HS, Liu LJ, Chen CW, Chua C. The advancement of pure local anesthesia for penile surgeries: can an outpatient basis be sustainable (純粹局部麻醉施行陰莖手術的新進展)? Journal of Andrology. 28(1):200-205, 2007.
- Hsu GL, Zaid UX, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Huang SJ. Acupuncture assisted local anesthesia for penile surgeries (針灸輔助局部麻醉下施行陰莖手術). Translational Andrology and Urology. 2(4):291-300, 2013.
- Hsu GL, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Wen HS, Hsu WL, Chen YC, Chen RM, Chen SC, Hsieh JT. The effect of electrocoagulation on the sinusoids in the human penis (電燒止血對於人類陰莖海綿體的影響). Journal of Andrology. 25(6):954-959, 2004.
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- Hsu GL, Wen HS, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Liu LJ, Chen YC. Traumatic glans deformity: reconstruction of distal ligamentous structure (外傷性龜頭畸形:重建遠端韌帶結構). Journal of Urology. 166:1390, 2001.
- Hsu GL, Lin CW, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Hsieh JT, Chen SC, Kuo TF, Ling PY, Huang HM, Wang CJ, Tseng GF. Distal ligament in human glans: a comparative study of penile architecture (人類龜頭遠端韌帶:一項比較研究陰莖結構). Journal of Andrology. 26(5):624-28, 2005.
- Hsu GL, Hill JW, Hsieh CH (謝政興), Liu SP, Hsu C. Venous ligation: a novel strategy for glans enhancement in penile prosthesis implantation (靜脈綁紮手術: 人工陰莖植入手術時增大龜頭的新方法), in Genitourethral Reconstruction, Ralf Herwig R, Sansalone S, Rehder P, Editors. BioMed Research International. Published special issue, Article ID923171, 7 pages, 2014.
- Hsieh CH (謝政興), Hsu GL, Chang SJ, Yang SSD, Liu SP, Hsieh JT. Surgical niche for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (手術治療勃起功能障礙的利基). International Journal of Urology. 27(2):117-133, 2020.
- Cheng-Hsing Hsieh (謝政興)、Geng-Long Hsu (許耕榕). 治療勃起功能障礙 – 手術治療(Erectile Dysfunction – Surgical Management).書名:男性性功能障礙 – 臨床診治全攻略 (Male Sexual Dysfunction – A Complete Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment), 陳煜、簡邦平、蔡維恭、陳卷書編輯. 合記圖書出版社, 2023. 第三篇,第17章,頁245-262.
- Cheng-Hsing Hsieh (謝政興)、Geng-Long Hsu (許耕榕). 勃起功能障礙 – 手術治療 (Erectile Dysfunction – Surgical Treatment). 書名:臨床泌尿學 (CLINICAL UROLOGY). 郭漢崇、賴明坤、楊啟瑞、黃一勝、余燦榮、陳進典、崔克宏,編輯. 台灣泌尿科醫學會, 2012.第八篇,第54章,頁1037-1049.
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